Poetry & Art




Pushcart prize Nominees

Robyn Campbell

Unbecoming (Issue 3, Winter, 2020)

Cody Shrum

I-70 to St. Louis (Issue 3, Winter, 2020)

Laura Lee Washburn

Giving You the Chance to Live: Divorced Father Explains (Issue 4, Summer, 2020)



Best of the net Nominees

Makalani Bandele

blues in b for charlie (Issue 3, Winter, 2020)

Elijah Burrell

Blind Spots Hide Motorcycles Look Twice: A Matching Quiz (Issue 4, Summer, 2020)

Theresa Senato Edwards

If I Should Say I Love the Tree (Issue 3, Winter, 2020)

Alexis Rhone Fancher (Finalist for Best of the Net)

Power Play (Issue 4, Summer, 2020)

Jam Kraprayoon

Human Nature (Issue 4, Summer, 2020)

Jennifer Martelli

“She Began Looking at the Sky/Expecting a Large White Angel with a Blue Crotch” (Issue 3, Winter, 2020)


Best of the net Nominees

Megan Alpert

Holly, 1962 (Special Issue 1, Summer, 2019)

SaraEve Fermin

Blank Space (Issue 2, Winter, 2019)

Melissa Fite Johnson

What Happens After the Press Conference (Issue 1, Summer, 2019)

Amanda Moore

Haiku Sonnet for San Francisco Climate (Issue 2, Winter, 2019)

Lauren Scharhag

The Water Station (Issue 2, Winter, 2019)

Gregory Stapp

To Our Bodies (Issue 1, Summer, 2019)