Poetry & Art




Harbor Review publishes two digital issues a year. We accept original, previously unpublished submissions of poetry and visual art. We place poems in conversation with visual art. This process can take some time. We try to respond to every submission in six months. We do accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere so we can remove it from consideration.

All submissions should be submitted through our Submittable page, here.

We also run three micro chapbook competitions each year.

Details for all submissions can be found below.

We are always reading reviews and providing poetry critiques. See details below.

All honorarium payments to contributors and prize winners will be paid through PayPal. Sorry, no exceptions.

Click on one of the links below for chapbook competition information

All manuscripts should include exactly 10 poems, no more no less. Manuscripts over 10 poems will not be read for Harbor Review chapbook competitions.

Closed: The Editor’s Chapbook Prize, $200, and Publication at Harbor Review

Closed: The Washburn Chapbook Prize, $200, and Publication at Harbor Review


We will accept submissions for our summer issue “#15” from February 1 to April 30, 2025. The theme for this issue is: “(Sub)liminal.”

This issue will explore the hidden layers of thought and emotion that shape our perceptions and experiences. Subliminal messaging, often unnoticed and unacknowledged, influences our beliefs, desires, and interactions in profound ways. Poets are invited to uncover the nuances of what lies beneath the surface of consciousness, examining how unspoken truths and subconscious impulses can manifest in our lives.

The liminal can represent those fleeting moments of change, such as the twilight between day and night, or the emotional space between joy and sorrow. These transitional phases often evoke feelings of uncertainty and possibility, mirroring the subtle nudges of subliminal messaging that guide us without our full awareness.

We will accept submissions for our winter issue “#16” from August 1 to October 31, 2025.

Poetry (OPEN)

In Submittable, send 1-3 poems in one document as a pdf or word document. Include a short bio in your cover letter. Submissions are free. Poems with complex or unusual form/spacing are welcome. However, if accepted, this work may appear different due to the constraints of our online platform.

Harbor Review is a paying market. We pay poets $10 via PayPal per published poem upon release of the issue in which the poem appears.

Expedited Submissions (OPEN)

Send 1-3 poems in one document as a pdf or word document during our submission window. Include a short bio in your cover letter.   

The submission fee for expedited submissions is $8. Regular submissions are free.  You will receive a response in 14 days. 

Art (OPEN)

Send 1-3 high resolution images with titles (minimum 2000 pixels on the longest side). Include in your cover letter an image list, short bio, and short artist statement.

Harbor Review is a paying market. We pay artists $10 via PayPal per published piece upon release of the issue in which the piece appears.

Reviews/Interviews (Open)

We are currently accepting reviews of poetry chapbooks, full length books of poetry, poetry and art hybrid books, and art books.  

Written reviews should be around 300 words. The book being reviewed should be forthcoming or have been published in the last 6 months.  

We are particularly interested in reviews of work by women, non-binary folks, people of color, and members of the LGBT community.  

Send us something different. Make a video. Write something unusual. Incorporate an interview. Interpretive dance? Yes! 

Send your review and cover letter with a short bio to Reviews@smallharborpublishing.com. Please write “Review Submission” in the subject line.
