Poetry & Art

The Editor's Prize



The entry period runs from November 1st to January 31st.

The prize is awarded once a year for a micro chapbook, which Harbor Review will publish digitally on our website. People of color and marginalized folks are encouraged to apply.

Micro chapbooks should be exactly 10 poems long. Manuscripts over 10 poems will not be read.

Manuscripts should include a title page, table of contents, and use 12 point font. Individual poems from the manuscript may have been published previously in magazines but not books or chapbooks. The collection as a whole must be unpublished.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted. Please let us know immediately if your manuscript is accepted by another publisher while under our consideration.

We do not accept translations.  We’d love to see collaborations. 

Current students, former students, former classmates, or friends of Harbor Review staff are disqualified from entering the contest.

All entries will be read by Harbor Review staff.

The submission fee is $15 to cover submission management. All fees are waived for BIPOC identifying writers.

Include in your cover letter your name, contact information, a brief bio, and a list of acknowledgments for previously published chapbook poems. Your name, acknowledgments, or any identifying information should not appear in the manuscript or manuscript title.

Attach your manuscript as a word or pdf attachment. Please use the title of your micro chapbook as your document name.

The winner will receive $200 and publication of their micro chapbook online at Harbor Review. All rights revert to the author after publication.

All entrants will be notified about the status of their submission after the submission period.

You should hear a response within 6 months of the submission period closing date. 

We will make a decision on publication within 6 months after the open period closes.
